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Steve Guerdat

Highlights & Auszeichnungen 2015

Dienstag 5 Januar 2016
Nino des Buissonnets (C) copyright Tyfvanhalle
Nino des Buissonnets (C) copyright Tyfvanhalle

Highlights & Awards 2015

Last December, Steve, who won the World Cup in 2015 in Las Vegas, was awarded as “Best Rider of the Year”! This award was presented to him by the prestigious journal L'Année Hippique and the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC).

In the edition of December 24, the Swiss daily newspaper Le Quotidien Jurassien (QJ) elected Steve as “Sportsman of the Year” of his home canton of Jura (by Raffi Kouyoumdjian, sports journalist at QJ).

And in the beginning of this year, the "Coup de Coeur" award 2015 by the daily newspaper La Tribune de Genève (TdG) was given to Steve and Nino des Buissonnets: "They have reached for the stars"! (by Christian Maillard, journalist at TdG).

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