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Steve Guerdat

CSI 2* in Dettighofen: Steve beehrt seine Pferdebesitzer!

Monday 25 July 2016

As in 2015 Steve wins again the Grand Prix of Dettighofen with his mighty jumping mareAlbführen's Happiness, with whom he already won the day before the qualification test on Saturday.

In a winning round with 11 qualified riders, Steve demonstrated truly precision without pushing his mare into the "red" zone, this to the delight of the large audience and the Frey family, the owners of Happiness.

On this beautiful tournament, which easily also could be held at a higher CSI star level, Steve had also finished clear rounds with two of his young horses, also from Hofgut Albführen and perhaps future stars.

Such great and beautiful sport as it could be experienced this weekend, we hope, of course, we will be able to see more of it – this one has done good for the morale of the whole team and is the best motivation for the upcoming weeks, not least also for Nino, who for preparing for Rio was also in Albführen.


Hofgut Albführen
CHC Horses


Land Rover


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Parlanti Roma
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