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Steve Guerdat

CSIO Calgary: The Swiss are 4th of 10

Monday 14 September 2009
At Windsor the Swiss got gold and the Netherlands team was 4th. On Saturday 12th at Calgary the situation has inverted having two non-european teams between these two teams. Making a perfect double clear was not enough of Steve Guerdat with "Trésor". In the first round this allowed the Swiss team to qualify over Canada (5th place with 9 points, compared with the Great Britain and Ireland having 10 points each and shifted from the second round), the second round has confirmed the 4th place. Pius Schwizer (0 + 4 with "Ulysse") has shown himself off great, however Daniel Etter's results were not quite successful (9 + 5 with "Peu à Peu") and as it was concerned Theo Muff (27th and 18th with "Acomet") has not been ready to participate with his promising etalon yet (4th on the Swiss Championship).


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