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Steve Guerdat

GCT Miami Beach: Concetto Son in great shape

Tuesday 7 April 2015
Concetto Son (C) GCT
Concetto Son (C) GCT

This past weekend for the first time Miami (Florida, USA) was the thrilling launch destination of this year‘s Global Champions Tour (GCT). The organizers have done a great job, as although the GCT stages each look the same from the set-up, but here the tournament site is located directly on the beach of Miami Beach overlooking the sea.

This weekend fortune smiled for Steve and Concetto Son, classified 2nd on Thursday’s Big Tour and 5th in the speed competition on Saturday.

Grand Prix Global Champions Tour

Nino des Buissonnets - Miami 2015 (C) GCT
Nino des Buissonnets - Miami 2015 (C) GCT

In Miami also Nino des Buissonnets was there with the Steve, who brought him to the start of the Grand Prix GCT. However, a little fault in the first round disallowed the Olympic champion pair to participate in the second round of the GP; but Nino jumped excellent as always, and was a delight to the large audience that came to admire the best riders in the world.


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