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Steve Guerdat

La Baule CSIO : Steve 4th in the Derby

Sunday 19 May 2013
La Baule CSIO : Steve 4th in the Derby
CSIO La Baule : Derby - Steve Guerdat & Sidney

The current Olympic champion have secured a beautiful round riding Sidney, however he committed a single fault through all the 21 fences of this parcours. The French Patrice Delaveau riding Ornella Mail has taken the lead.

Here is what Steve has to say regarding the result: “That was the fourth time I took part in the Derby and I am very happy about that. Sydney showed superb performance. I envisioned that the river had to be the most difficult obstacle, and Sydney does not like that. Tomorrow I will be riding Nasa for the Grand Prix. Nasa is of great success, however I could not benefit of all its powers yet, despite its predictable behavior. Nasa perhaps needs more time and confidence. I am happy of our yesterday’s performance, although we were so close to win because we took the lead in the first round. Paul Estermann had a bad luck in the second round, same as me, however I can’t tell what I could have done better. But this is a nature of sport, one does not have to regret.”

Propos recueillis à La Baule par SR / GrandPrix Magazine

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