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Steve Guerdat

Rolex Rankings: Steve Guerdat is 6th

Friday 4 September 2009
"Jalisca Solier" was operated on Thursday as scheduled. The operation was a success and the horse should be returning to Steve Guerdat's stables next week. It will be having a long rehabilitation period and will most likely not participate in competitions this year. This horse was the 2nd in the GP World Cup Rolex championships in Verona, Stuttgart and Geneva at the end of the year 2008.
Right after this series of success rounded up with victories of Lyon GP and Défi des Champions in Geneva Steve Guerdat has been inactive for three months because of the operation of disk hernia. Despite this break and the calm August (the headline horses were resting between Rio and Windsor competitions for three weeks), the rider has now taken the 6th position in World Rankings published last night. 
Text: Alban Poudret


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