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Steve Guerdat

Steve Guerdat cancels the indoor series to prepare for the summer season

Friday 25 February 2011
A smart move
As announced in the Cavalier Romand's March edition, Steve Guerdat cancelled the World Cup series finishing in Leipzig. With 29 pts, the rider had strong chances to be qualified for Leipzig by participating in Göteborg and den Bosch competitions, but he does not want to surcharge "Jalisca Solier", the only that is capable of showing perfect performance. "I anyway did not envision to participate the whole week in Leipzig riding it without other horses' support since the Frank Rothenberger's parcours are demanding". The German parcours are massive (as in Zurich where Rothenberger was replacing Rolf Lüdi) especially when hosted in the homeground (see 2002 Leipzig finals won by Otto Becker on "Cento"). Since "Trésor" is not currently in shape Steve Guerdat has set two months off for it. As for other horses they are not yet suitable to face this kind of competition.
Photos: Nolwenn Lemée


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