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Steve Guerdat

A weekend in between Galgenen and Saignelégier!

Monday 12 August 2013
Nino des Buissonnets
Nino des Buissonnets au CS de Galgenen-Copyright (C) CS Galgenen

A breeze olympia-feeling floated softly over the Marché-Concours in Saignelégier. One year after his win of the Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in London, Steve visited the 110th edition of the Marché-Concours National de chevaux on Saturday afternoon. Fans and spectators visited the Marché-Concours in a large number, to meet Steve and to get a signed autograph card.

The same weekend Steve competed at the “Pferdesporttage Galgenen” (7th to the 11th of August). On Clair he won the Friday’s competition. And on Sunday, at the Grand Prix, Steve performed with Nino des Buissonets, finishing on 5th place. After having a longer break since the CSI***** in Aachen in the beginning of July, the Grand Prix setted the starting point for the preparation phase for the European Championships end of August in Herning (Danmark).

On Kavalier, Steve finished on 8th and 9th place. On Catalina, Steve was ranked 2nd, showing a flawless performance.


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