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Steve Guerdat

Aachen: No luck for Steve

Monday 1 June 2015
Nino des Buissonnets au CHI Aachen copyright : Rolex/Kit Houghton
Nino des Buissonnets au CHI Aachen copyright : Rolex/Kit Houghton

In the Rolex Grand Prix of Aachen, in front of nearly 50,000 spectators, Steve was struck by misfortune as Nino lost one horseshoe already after the first obstacles. As a result, Steve gave up wisely, because after a fault at the following water jump a proper ride was simply no longer possible and the risk of injury would have been too great.

This stage of the Grand Slam was won, however, in spectacular fashion by the Scottish world number 1 rider Scott Brash on Hello Sanctos!

In addition, Steve also had two faulty competitions with Nasa. All in all, for once not his weekend.


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CHC Horses


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