The CSIO of La Baule ended on Sunday with the Grand Prix in front of 10,000 enthusiastic spectators. A small fault by Steve and Ulysse des Forêts (9 y.), who jumped very well, and a very good time resulted in the 11th place.
On Friday, Switzerland finished on 4th place in the Nations Cup. Steve did not sattle Bianca because of a slight fever (Bianca has already recovered from an infection on the leg, and enjoyed some baths in the sea) and set on the 9-year-old mare Ulysse des Forêts (13 + 4). She did not seem to like very much the green colors of the double, but she finished the course well and that is the main thing.
The next weekend it is the turn again on Corbinian, who will be at the start at the CSI4* of Bourg-en-Bresse.