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Steve Guerdat

CHIO Aachen 2016

Tuesday 12 July 2016
CHIO Calgary-Rolex Grand Slam - Concetto Son - copyright (C) Rolex-Kit-Houghton
CHIO Calgary-Rolex Grand Slam - Concetto Son - copyright (C) Rolex-Kit-Houghton

A month before the Olympic Games in Rio, Steve joins at CHIO Aachen his teammates Martin Fuchs, Romain Duguet, Paul Estermann and Janika Sprunger for one week of an extraordinary level of equestrian sports, at a place, which is no less remarkable. Corbinian, Bianca, Concetto Son and Ulysse of Fôrets accompany Steve all the week, which offers a program of extraordinary density and especially the highlight, the Rolex Grand Slam of showjumping on Sunday afternoon!


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