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Steve Guerdat

CSIO Rotterdam: The Swiss convincing ranked 2nd in the Nations Cup

Monday 27 June 2016
Nino des Buissonnets au CSIO de Rotterdam - copyright (C) TyfVanHalle
Nino des Buissonnets au CSIO de Rotterdam - copyright (C) TyfVanHalle

The Swiss team reached the very good 2nd place thanks to the magnificent double-clear rounds of Martin Fuchs on Clooney and Steve in the saddle of Nino des Buissonnets in Olympic form.

Steve already impressed on Thursday with a 2nd place with Corbinian in the 155cm competition counting for the World Ranking, and a 3rd place in the two-phase jumping competition with Ulysse des Forêts, who stayed clear as well on Friday and Sunday.

In the GP on Sunday Steve and Corbinian had 4 points in the initial course.

Nino des Buissonnets avec Emma sa groom au CSIO de Rotterdam - copyright (C) TyfVanHalle Nino des Buissonnets avec Emma sa groom au CSIO de Rotterdam - copyright (C) TyfVanHalle

Nino des Buissonnets au CSIO de Rotterdam - copyright (C) TyfVanHalle Nino des Buissonnets au CSIO de Rotterdam - copyright (C) TyfVanHalle

‎ClearRound‬ for Steve & ‪#‎FlyingNino‬ in the first round of the Nations Cup in Rotterdam

DoubleClearRound‬ for Steve & ‎FlyingNino‬ in the Nations Cup ‪CHIO Rotterdam‬


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