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Steve Guerdat

GP Rolex Grand Slam Aachen

Monday 18 July 2016
Corbinian Au CHIO d'Aix-la-chapelle Copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle
Corbinian Au CHIO d'Aix-la-chapelle Copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle

On Sunday the Rolex Grand Prix of Aachen, probably the most prestigious show jumping event in the world and one of the stages of the Rolex Grand Slam, took place in the sold-out stadium (45,000 people). Steve unfortunately did not qualify for the second round with two faults with Corbinian, discovering for the first time the great and famous area in Aachen. With a fault at the bidet-oxer and one at the last vertical in the triple the pair was excluded from the decision about this trophy.

On Friday Corbinian jumped fantastic though in the Nations Cup, and had only one point for time exceed in each round.

On Thursday Steve showed good courses with Bianca, finishing in a 150cm competition in 13th place.

With Ulysse des Forêts, the 8-year old S.F. Mare, Steve has completed very good rounds, flawless throughout the whole week, 7th on Thursday and 4th in the final of the Young Horses on Saturday night.

Bianca au CHIO d'Aix-la-chapelle - copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle Bianca au CHIO d'Aix-la-chapelle - copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle

Corbinian - CHIO Aachen copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle Corbinian - CHIO Aachen copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle

Corbinian - CHIO de Aachen - copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle Corbinian - CHIO de Aachen - copyright (C) Tiffany van Halle

Rolex Grand Prix in Aachen 2016 - Steve & Corbinian 2 faults


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