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Steve Guerdat

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday 21 December 2012

The year 2012 is about to finish. That was the best year for me, not merely because of the Olympic title obtained in London on August 8 or other results of this season, but also because of your continuous support. I have received a lot of attention and support and it is literally impossible to express to what extent I have been touched by that on daily basis. This support enables me to do my best to offer spectacular sportive events to you.

The New Year’s Eve is a perfect occasion to think of Nino, the genius that made my dreams come true in Greenwich Park and of all my horses: Jalisca, Nasa, Chips, Sidney, Carpalo, Clair, Catalina, Baloussini…

I would also like to thank the people around me: horse owners M. Urs E. Schwarzenbach and Yves G. Piaget, my sponsors Honda and Rolex as well as M. Werner Oberholzer who takes care of my Herrliberg stables. Big thanks as well to my trainer Thomas Fuchs and my team Heidi Mulari, Mari and Simon.

Finally yet importantly, warm greetings and thanks for your continuous support. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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